For retail traders perspective the satisfaction they expect from the distributor can be categorized into four sections, namely:
1. Top Margin Satisfaction
Satisfaction is a "certainty" margin earned on the products it sells. Certainty is not merely a great advantage, but a reasonable profit and not a price war, both inter-fellow traders, even the illegal importers who disrupt the purchase price and the selling price.
Usually for large traders / wholesalers, the easiest benchmarks for the percentage margin products it sells are at least 2 times greater than the interest rate. As for the small retailers, the range 5-15%, for the modern market is usually in normal circumstances can be 12-25%, while some commodity products (such as rice, sugar, wheat, tobacco, and milk) may be exempt under the range earlier.
2. Top Quality Products Satisfaction
Satisfaction with the quality of the product from the retailer perspective is to be accepted without any complaints from buyers / end consumers and retailers underneath; expired products is quite long; happen again cycle of high order, as well as not easily broken, discolored, melted, frozen , turns fragrant, precipitate, and others.
Satisfaction also includes promotional support that helps selling out at the store, stock is always available, including no sample products for a particular case, and that no less important is the ease of returns or exchange items (not bureaucratic).
3. Top Salesman Problem-Solving Skill Satisfaction
Many companies greatly limit the authority, information and knowledge that should be possessed by the ranks of the sellers, who deal directly with customers. These limits typically include adequate assurance of stock orders, delivery assurance products are ordered, authorization limits authorized product return / exchange, and payment tolerance in difficult situations.
Indeed, in some cases required a clear and firm boundaries to avoid things that might be detrimental to the company. But on the other hand, the customer expects the pace in getting decisions and solutions from the ranks of the seller at the time of their coming-not the words, "I'll have to report the boss first." Classic answer as it happens in almost every situation when a customer gives objection ( objection). And this is a situation where the customer is not satisfied.
4. Satisfaction on Sales Coverage Intensity
As we know, more and more product items and new product category flooding the market. In the meantime, the sales area barely growing, especially in big cities that the price of land for sale or rent is very expensive.
Therefore, retailers tended to perform simple steps. First, discard the less salable product list (after it did not re-order). The second step, reducing the quantity of order. The treatment reduces the quantity of this order occurs also on the products sold, which will sell the product usually requires a large order and large warehouses.
So the possible solutions to maintain the business is to increase the "frequency and intensity" of the visit; certainty day visit to request order or schedule bills; ranges hour visit, as well as can be done with multiple visits, which in addition to the physical, as well as by phone, fax or other.